Revenue and resilience: harnessing digital business models in the cultural sector

Revenue and resilience: harnessing digital business models in the cultural sector

In the face of increasing disruption – most often digital and most recently…

All the Web’s a Stage: The Digital Future of the Performing Arts

Like many sectors, the global live performance industry is facing unprecedented…

The art of empathy: Renée Fleming and Tamara Rojo on creativity and wellbeing

 The arts and sciences are often – incorrectly – viewed as somehow diametrically opposed…

Case Study – Access Sponsorship

 Building better partnerships: A recent sustainability initiative 

Powerful Partnerships: Can Private-Third-sector Partnerships Unlock the Future? Davos Report 2020

This week marked the 50th anniversary of the World Economic Forum in Davos. The landmark event, themed around…

Culture, the currency of soft power, Venice Biennale 2019

 Another Vernissage week has passed in a whirl of pavilion openings, stimulating installations, and overcrowded vaporetti.

It Never Rains in Southern California (with apologies to Albert Hammond!)

 It Never Rains in Southern California (with apologies to Albert Hammond!)